A friend of mine called the other night to see how I was doing after the Philippine trip. I returned his call last night but things quickly went sour because he kept trying to get me to TALK. I don't know what he wanted me to talk about though. I just told him what happened after the fire. He kept egging me on.
For the past two days I have been updating patients and co-workers about my trip and frankly, I was in no mood to repeat myself. I must have gone off on him somehow.Because today he sent me an email apologizing for making 'kulit', being stupid and not being good at lifting my spirits. I wasn't even aware I needed cheering up. Two other friends kept telling me over the weekend to call them if I needed to talk. Nice offers but I didn't take them up on it. Stuff I want to get off my chest, I'd rather not talk about with non-family members.
What's up with all this talking?
Am I just an ungrateful friend?



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