Sawyer: Mike, you should save your energy.
Michael: They took my son!
Sawyer: Yeah, I saw that -- onto a boat which means he's not in shouting distance.

Sawyer (to Michael): What are you gonna do, splash me?

(Sawyer looks over at Mike on his raft)
Sawyer: You got a bandaid?

Sawyer: I'll just stop bleeding then! (to Mike after he blames Sawyer for the shark.)

Sawyer: We're about to be the best thing that ever happened to you.
Ana Lucia: How's that?
Sawyer: Next time Shaft opens the cage, he's gonna get a surprising little howdy-doody.

Sawyer: So what's your name, anyway?
Eko: Mr. Eko
Sawyer: Mr. Eko? So what's that, like Mr. Ed?

referring to Ana-Lucia)
Sawyer: This chick needs to be slapped

Sawyer: You married?
Ana-Lucia: No.
Sawyer: Too bad, you seem suited for it.
Ana-Lucia: Funny. What about you?
Sawyer: No ma'am.
Ana-Lucia: You gay?
Sawyer: Funny.

Libby: Let me take a look at your shoulder.
Sawyer: Are you a doctor?
Libby: A clinical psychologist.
Sawyer: A shrink. Maybe you should talk to my shoulder.
Libby: How did you get shot?
Sawyer: With a gun.

(on the beach, Kate is cutting Sawyer's hair)
Kate: Would you please turn your head?
Sawyer: Why, you ain't got a clean enough shot at my neck?

Kate: Where is everybody? Jack! John!
Sawyer: Maybe they went out for ice cream.

Locke: (looking around) Are you sure nothing looks familiar?
Sawyer: Oh, look. There's my favorite leaf. How could I ever forget this place?



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