Kate: (throws a banana at Sawyer) Good morning.
Sawyer: Did you just throw a banana at me?
Kate: Couldn't find any rocks.
Sawyer: I can think of a better way to get a man up in the morning

Jack: What are you doing?
Sawyer: I'm coming with ya.
Jack: You're still on antibiotics.
Sawyer: Well, it's a good thing I'm travellin' with my doctor then.

Sawyer: (noticing Hurley's interest in Libby) You got a little love connection brewing over there, Jabba?

Sawyer: Well, as much as I'd like to learn to feather my hair, I lost my damn glasses on the raft. You want to read it to me? (Kate looks at him like he's crazy) What, you got an appointment or something?
Kate (finding an article): All right, "10 Ways To Tell If He's A Sensitive Man."
Sawyer: This ought to be good.

Kate: I heard Jack took your pain killers?
Sawyer: Well, I guess me and the Doc are on the outs. It's one less Christmas card I'll have to send this year.

Sawyer is cleaning his tent after Jack ransacked it)
Kate: I like what you've done to the place.
Sawyer: Maid's day off.

Sawyer:(to Charlie) Hell you even got Locke to take a swing at you. That's like getting Ghandi to beat his kids

Saywer: One second, I'm like this close to the high score on Donkey Kong.

Sawyer: Hate to interrupt whatever it is you're doin'. What are ya doing?
Locke: I'm alphabetizing.
Sawyer: Sure. Sun gets attacked in the jungle, you figure it's a good time to start the Dewey Decimal System. Good thinking.

Sawyer to Charlie while he sets up his new shelter on the beach)
Sawyer: Well, well, now, look who had to relocate to the suburbs. Ain't that like a woman? She keeps the house and you get the cheap ass apartment.

Sawyer: What do you got there, Rerun?
Hurley: Nothing. (Hurley covers up the dressing and some other food he has)
Sawyer: Yeah, well, you've got a spot of nothing on your chin there.

Sawyer: Dharma Initiative ranch dressing? You know you're supposed to refrigerate that after you open it.
Hurley: Well, actually in the back it says it'll keep at room temperature for up to 7 years.

Sawyer: Why don’t you shut up hammo? Or your ranch disorder is gonna be the new lead item on the coconut Internet.
Hurley: Fine. Go ahead. Tell everyone the fat guy has been hiding ranch dressing. The fat guy likes to eat. Yeah I’m fat. Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat. You think I don’t know that? These people like me. Find the damn frog by yourself.



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