At least 3 times now, I emailed some celebrities. Not stalkerish, just thank yous or congratulatory messages.

  • Here was Ari Sandel's response after I congratulated him on his Oscar win:
Thanks so much for your email! Words cannot describe the last 24 hours. I'd
like to write more but I have about 1100 emails, 350 texts, and 200 voice
mails so I am a little slow in getting to everything and so I must be brief
for now. I feel like it might take me weeks to get back to everyone! Its
been an overwhelming and surreal and absolutely fantastic experience! Truly
amazing! I especially appreciate the support and congrats I have been
receiving, that really means the most to me so thank you for your email.

So sweet! PS Where're my residuals?!?!?!?!

Seth is so good at responding.

  • Oh Marty! No response. I COULD turn on you JUST LIKE THAT. (kidding of course)



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