Lynn and I were just talking about me getting my own place in the Philippines. That reminded me of my patient who has a Filipina girlfriend. He loves telling me about her and her family who are all still back there. Her youngest sister just graduated from nursery school. The little girl asked for a new dress so he sent her $20. They told him this could probably buy 3-4 dresses. He asked me if I have a house back in the PI, or building one. Or if I send money home, that type of stuff.

Moments like these remind me of how lucky and blessed I am. To have no major concerns other than silly ones like should I go to the gym tonight, do I really need to buy that new book or DVD, what's for dinner tonight, or the usual complaining about staying late at work.

Right now, there are people who don't need to work out to stay slim; they can't even meet the daily minimum calorie requirements. Schools without books or computers or even classrooms, people with no jobs, or work in sweat shops.

Oprah loves to quote Meister Eckhart: "If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is 'Thank you God', that would suffice." Amen to that.



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