I watched a celebrity read one of her old letters to Santa on TV today. All I heard was "I want this, I want that". I thought, how crass that selfishness is what we're teaching kids. No wonder everyone feels entitled. We're raising spoiled children who overconsume and feel victimized if they don't get what they want.

My mom never used the "you better be good so Santa will give you presents" line on us. She never even encouraged us to let the fella know what we wanted. I only remember writing to Mr. Claus one time and I don't remember if I got what I asked for. Growing up in a third world country, you get what you get and you're thankful for it. There are many starving and impoverished children throughout the world who get nothing.

A piece of news that brightened my day: My co-worker is giving her 11 year old a piece of coal because she's just been horrible to her all year. I hope she won't cave and give her other gifts. I love Christmas, but not the escalating insanity that comes with it.


  1. Lynn said...

    Mum never even encouraged us to believe in Santa! :D  

  2. Cecilia said...

    Good for your co-worker! Ought to teach that 11-year old a lesson. Most parents overcompensate for the lack of time and attention.  


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