She always had a big smile on her face, joking around with her aide, telling us stories about her youth, her family, her cat. She always said "when I walk again", even though we probably both knew it wouldn't happen. We'd notice bruises on her, and we'd know she had tried to do things for herself again and probably fell. She never complained about anything, no "why me?" She always made me think how I would be if I were in her situation. We barely saw her husband and I always wondered what happened to "in sickness and in health"? And yet at least he was still around. How many times had I seen people leave when their spouses fell ill? She fought hard and made it to her 38th birthday. Over the weekend she lost the battle. We saw her grieving husband yesterday and he seemed very grateful that we were there. Although I figured a part of him was probably relieved that it was all over, he was of course distraught at having lost his life partner. No matter how long it takes for someone to pass on, I don't think you're ever really prepared for when it finally happens. She can rest now. Or knowing her, she's probably enjoying swimming and strolling up there. Goodbye Jen.



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