My boss is much maligned right now. Aside from making unpopular decisions, he's been taking people to task for various misdeeds. I applauded silently when I heard that someone asked him for more responsibilities and he told her to take care of what needs to be done first before asking for more.

Attendance is another thing . Now I'm all for using your paid time off, and I am far from being Ms. Perfect Attendance myself, but sometimes it gets ridiculous. I don't know which is worse: being liked enough that they tell you everything, for example playing hooky just to go Christmas shopping. Or NOT be liked too much and be blissfully unaware of what's going on behind the scenes. With winter illnesses, recent ice and snowstorms, staffmembers with children haven't been able to come in. Yes, I know that if I had children, I would probably hope for the same leeway they're being given. And yet immature, singleton me feels it is not fair at all.

An office full of women can be an intimidating place for the lone male. Especially if they've been there forever and are set in their ways. I say Kudos to the boss man for ruffling feathers and making ripples. Until I somehow get in trouble of course...



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