Another winterstorm. Another day spent snacking on Oreos and Cheetos watching my latest DVD acquisitions "The Bourne Ultimatum" and the "Order of the Phoenix". And wondering why Monday comes so soon after Friday.

Does it mean what I think it means when an 11 year old boy wants to wear muscle shirts? And his dad sounded so excited, too. I didn't want to rain on his parade.

See this page's pretty pretty header and lay-out? Thanks to my talented sister Lynn!

My other sister Cecile was in a minor car accident yesterday. I feel partly responsible because she wouldn't have been in the area if she wasn't coming to my place. (My brother-in-law was installing a new memory card in my computer.) She wanted to go to Target first and when she said she was going, I almost told her not to go. Weekend traffic around here has always been horrid but it's worse since the holiday season started. I should have said something. Next time listen to your instincts. Thank God it was just a little fender-bender, hopefully not too expensive especially at this time of the year. And thank God my brother-in-law stopped when he did because I don't even want to think about the injuries and damage if he hadn't. Fatalistic people say nothing is an accident and you are always where you're meant to be. Except when an accident does occur you can't make heads or tails of why it happened.



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