“Sometimes you’re sad and you can’t stop being sad. Sadness got inside of you simply because you can’t understand and live a certain situation. Don’t worry. Sometimes, you need to be sad just to feel sad, because sadness makes you understand that you also must live the impossibility of changing something in your life right this instant. Being sad is also good because you get more sensitive about yourself. Mourn, even if you don’t really know the true reason why you’re sad. Let yourself consciously be sad. Accept that you’re supposed to be sad right now. Don’t fight your sadness. Live it instead, without thinking about how you’re going to get out of it. Live it, simply because it is life that’s making you feel it. Cry, if you believe you have to. Be sorry for yourself if you feel like being sorry for yourself, but don’t run away from your sadness. Let it remain inside your chest so you’ll know it. Let it hurt until it stops hurting so much. Let it give place, slowly, to a unique serenity, that kind of serenity that only the acceptance of sadness will give it to you, that kind of serenity that always precedes the appearance of the first smile.”---Jose Micard Teixeira



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