My sister's safe journey to the homeland.

A relatively easy work day, getting out on time. The days are getting shorter, summer is winding down.

 Appreciating solitude.  At my old job, I would almost always eat with my co-workers when our lunch breaks coincided. At this new job, I've mostly been eating alone inside the break room. Today I spent my lunch enjoying the sunshine. When I got home, I read something a guy on Humans of New York said. He celebrates Julia Child's birthday every year. He made smoky eggplant soup and ate it in Central Park. When asked if he was alone, he said, "Of course. I love to be alone. I am fabulous."  It reminded me of something my friend wrote on my birthday card a few years back. She wrote that according to the birthday book, the most interesting person I would ever meet is myself. She very kindly said that was good news for me, but not so good for the rest of humanity. She may be right.



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