So I dreamt I was at work, and I had to evaluate Peter Capaldi (the 12th Doctor). I was so star-struck and started babbling, mistakenly saying he was English. He gave me this sharp, very disapproving Doctor-like look. I immediately apologized and said I knew he's Glaswegian, like Craig Ferguson. I even told him I saw his photo in CraigyFerg's book. That I knew he was in a band with him. Then I woke up.

When I fell back asleep, I was running around in a building carrying vegetables and a reusable grocery bag. (Why we weren't allowed to put the produce inside the bag is beyond me.) Then I realized I was in The Amazing Race, and my racing partner (an unknown Asian woman) were checking in at the mat with Phil Keoghan. Except that mat wasn't there, so I was very disappointed, because I love that cool mat. In Phils' small talk, he asked my partner if she knew what this weird looking vegetable was. And she guessed right that it was something that can be used as make up. We were then told we could take a break from the race and get to cook and eat the veggies we brought. I felt like a usurper, because I hadn't been running the race up until then, and yet we were team number 6 out of 11.

I then found myself in a bus, and we all got off to get onto a covered stone bridge with beautiful windows overlooking a river. I remember thinking I shouldn't have left my camera on the bus. As we were enjoying the views, Phil asked me if I was going somewhere next month. I said I'm going to France with some college friends,and he told me I should go bungee jumping. I thought that was a weird thing to recommend for a French vacation, but I managed to say yes and even made a lame reference to his other old show, No Opportunity Wasted (NOW). 

Then we descended the bridge's stone steps into the river, and Phil announced he was picking a winner for a special prize. He had to dive into the water to get a random envelope, each with the contestants' names written on it. When he surfaced, I could already see my name, and thought "Oh Lord, they're going to hate me. Because last year I joined the tail end of the race because of the UK trip, and now I get to win another vacation." And sure enough, he announced my name as I acted surprised. It was a water sports package: sailing, canoeing, kayaking. Yey.

We all went back upstairs and just hung out in a plaza. I thought this wasn't how the race is run. They barely have time to rest, as far as I knew. I couldn't figure out what country we were in. I was looking at statues and historical markers which didn't  help. I didn't want to ask my fellow racers, because they would really think I'm a carpet bagger, who just jumps into the race whenever I get the chance. I saw an old building with a very modern sign, indicating that it was a post office, again wishing I had brought my camera with me to show the contrast.

Does this just mean that I'm lost?



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