To my staunch Republican soldier patient:

 First of all, I thank you for your service to the country. I can understand why you're probably really pissed off at Muslims, having served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Having said that, I wonder why you thought it was appropriate to tell this Filipina that old story/myth about "Black Jack" General John Pershing executing Filipino Muslims, dumping pig guts onto their bodies so they can't enter heaven, and sending one rebel back to their camp to tell the tale. You then proudly went on to say that the .38 pistol wasn't working well for the American soldiers during the Philippine-American War, forcing the Army to develop the .45 to fight the Filipinos.  Because nothing warms a Filipina's heart than telling tales of Americans killing Filipinos. Just because I'm an American on paper, that does not mean I have lost all connections to my homeland.

No, Bush was not a great President. You said he was a good POTUS until the recession, the bail-out, etc.  This from someone who was sent to 2 wars that have claimed thousands of young American lives;  destroyed or changed thousands more?

And no, Fox News is not the best, nor the only news channel. Please stop putting it on whenever you're there.




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