I just need to get this last piece of negativity off my chest before 2013.   I started off being annoyed by a FB message that our mother was upset that nobody replied when she texted us that her husband has pneumonia. A text I never got. Then a remark that none of us had sent her new year greetings yet. I went to work really early today, so all the celebrations in the Philippines would have been finished by the time I got home. When I did start to call or text at a reasonable hour, no answer. Which is common in my family. Nobody picks up the phone. I really can't complain because I'm guilty of that, too.  So I manage to send a text to 2 phone nos., saying that I had been calling and texting without success. My mom calls back. I was already perturbed at this point. She proceeds to tell me about our father's medical woes. Typical me, I latch on to a comment she made on what snacks she eats during the 4 hours dialysis period. Of course, they were snacks that a diabetic like her shouldn't be eating. I don't know how else to get her (or either of them) to understand the importance of diet in controlling diabetes. Anyway, she ignores my comment, and I decide to let it go. 
I do have sympathy for her plight, the difficulty of being married to someone like our dad. I feel bad for her and my sister, that they have to take on this responsibility.  If my father was a nice man, then it would be a different story. I feel guilty that I can't be of any help.  But also somewhat relieved that I don't have to do it.  We've all been through it over the years, and he doesn't make it easy. I pray that God give them strength and patience.  I pray everyday that he becomes a better husband and father, and just a better human being.  I pray that I find a way to forgive, to help, to become a better daughter and sister, to rise above my own pettiness.

There.  I feel a little better. 



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