I was woken up from my nap in the train by the sound of men talking loudly.  One in particular, used the F word every 2-3 syllables.  And all he was talking about was women. Who he was trying to make the moves on last weekend, who he'd 'tap', who was hot, what he would do to them, etc. You get the gist.  His poor friends just couldn't keep up with his chatter.  (I'm surprised he actually has friends.) He even had the gall to tell one of his pals that he would sleep with one of said friend's exes.  Poor guy was rendered speechless, and was thankfully interrupted by a station arrival announcement.  The jerk also complained about the loudness of the conductor's announcements. To top it off, Mr. Loudmouth said he used to be a dirt bag, but no longer is one.  Talk about lack of self-awareness.  I can't even begin to imagine what he was like before his alleged conversion from dirtbag-ness to non-dirtbaggery.

Before we got to Grand Central Terminal, people were starting to make their way towards the doors. He noticed this black lady with a baseball cap wearing a Planet Fitness t-shirt. He decided that was an unfortunate fashion choice.  "Planet Fitness? Why would you wear a shirt like that?"  Then 2 guys walked by them, and said "Excuse us, dudes."  His or one of his companions' response? "Dudes? Where's your surfboards?"  (The polite commuters were wearing sleeveless shirts.)  I did manage to get  a view of this a-hole. No surprise:  Hair perfectly made up, jewelry, sunglasses on top of his head.Thinks he's all that. He could have been a Jersey Shore cast member.

And if that was not enough, they were on the same train car that I took going home.  Mercifully, I was seated further up from them.  After they disembarked, I could hear people saying how sick they were of his voice. 

I learned a life lesson today. One does not simply forget one's iPod at home.  It is folly.



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