I went to the lovely Easter Vigil mass last night. It was 2 hours long but it was worth it. The church is dark and the Monsignor kindles the new fire, the Paschal candle is lit, followed by the congregation's candles. This is followed by prayers, beautiful chanting of the Exsultet, and readings interspersed with more singing of psalms. The readings encompassed Biblical history, from Genesis, to Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, ending with one of St. Paul's letters. It was a special night, too, because 2 people got baptized and a few others got confirmed. I've never seen a Catholic adult baptism, and there's something about a grown-up being christened. This is their choice, an informed decision.
There was a full choir, with keyboards, a trumpet, and drums accompanying them. Heavenly voices and celestial music all made for a very solemn service. Some people complain about the rituals, but hearing ancient texts made me feel connected to the millions of Catholics over the ages. It is fascinating to think that long ago, the mass was in Latin and the priest had his back to the congregation. Before Vatican II, the people weren't even participating in the liturgy. And now, we get to sing and listen to otherwordly music (last week's Were you There mash-up with Amazing Grace=tears), hear stories from the Bible. Say what you will about religion, but it can elevate and inspire our human existence.

The Easter morning Mass was offered by the Knights of Columbus, so they were in their full regalia. The children's choir sang today. More angelic voices.

Jesus is Risen. Jesus is Risen, indeed.



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