Facebook statuses I found to be true but never re-posted:

TO ALL MY FELLOW NUTS-I just realized..We sit and stare at a screen...We talk to ourselves...we have imaginary friends and farms, cities and fake animals...we cook imaginary food in imaginary bakeries...we poke people and think it's OK...we even write on walls...think about it. Facebook is a mental hospital and we are all patients. Feel free to steal this...I just did...Party in my ward XXXXX

Welcome to Facebook...Where love stories are perfect. Where shit talkers tell the truth. Where everyone brags they have the perfect life and claim to be in love with their partners. Where your enemies are the ones that visit your profile the most. Where your ex-friends block you. Where your ex-love unfriends you. Where you post something & people interpret whatever the hell they want.Repost if you agree. ;)



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