Florida needs to be on Stephen Colbert's On Notice board, as well as Anderson Cooper's Ridicu-List. What the hell is wrong with Florida? They keep messing up important stuff.

I am still shocked over the Casey Anthony not guilty verdict. Little Caylee is dead, and her mother got away with it. Circumstantial evidence? Reasonable doubt? Why couldn't those jurors have used their common sense instead? The mother's guilty of lying? Of course she is. That's why she should at least have been found guilty of child endangerment and the abuse. Because she was trying to cover up the death, whether it was accidental or not. And now she gets to celebrate her victory? It makes me sick to my stomach to even imagine what that poor little girl went through. And now Casey gets what she wanted: no child to ruin her Bella Vita. She'll get hers in the end. Now please get her friggin' face off the television, the internet, and newspapers.

Caylee never got to live HER bella vita. RIP and sleep with the angels. God bless you.



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