Well actually, a series of text messages. I had left a co-worker a Post-It note last night because of a scheduling mishap. She left me a note saying I should stop bossing her around. I texted her back this morning that I'm trying a new thing---Be Like ____ (another co-worker who's pretty bossy). Here's the exchange that followed:
H: I am glad you are trying new things but you may want to rethink your agenda. J (her husband) said I forgot to add Barbra Streisand. (Back story: H loves Babs, so we've gotten into the habit of just randomly texting "Barbra Streisand" to each other once in a while.)

Me: Patti Lupone

H: Are we randomly naming broadway stars now? Is there certain criteria they have to meet? Female, singers? Bernadette Peters.

Me: Broadway divas. I'll allow Cher.

H: Cher? How about Judy Garland?

Me: Judy Garland's fine.

H: I'll submit a list for your approval.

Because of the tense atmosphere at work right now, I was thankful for this.



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