Dear friends, I want to share with you this little story that is attributed to the ancient Chinese sage Lao Tzu: A man discovered that his ax was missing, and he suspected his neighbor's son. The boy walked like a thief, looked like a thief, and spoke a thief. A few days later, the man found his ax under some leaves by the garden shed, and the next time he saw his neighbor's son, the boy walked, looked, and spoke like any other child. End of story. How to be free of the veil of illusion? Perceive things (situations, people, events etc.) predominantly through awareness (presence) rather than thought. Even just observing the mind's compulsive and constant judging is the beginning of freedom. Be at peace by making peace with the present moment.---Eckhart Tolle

Happy Summer Solstice! Peace and blessings to all.



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