I bonded with a Belgian woman at the laundromat today after she noticed I had a plastic DSW Shoe Warehouse bag. She had 3 bags with her. Anyway, she struck up a conversation with me. I couldn't place her French accent, so I just kept talking to her. Found out she's from Belgium, so that just made me think about Hercule Poirot the whole time. She told me she still has a sister there who she visits every couple of years. The sister lives in a street where every 3 AM, she wakes up to the smell of waffles from one side of the street, and the smell of chocolate from the other side. Now that's a fantastic way to start the day. Although 3 AM is a tad early. Although I wouldn't mind being lulled back to sleep by the aroma of chocolate and waffles.

The kicker was she mistook me for a twenty year old, gray hair and all. Merci! Unless of course she was just being polite.



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