
Two things: First, I sent a gift card to my niece for her birthday last month. I never found out if she received it, but then again, she's not very good with thank-yous. So I finally remembered to ask her about it. She said she never got it. So now I'm vexed that someone must have stolen it. I told my sister about it and she said their mailman makes mistakes all the time, and probably delivered it to their neighbors. Now why wouldn't the neighbors give it to them? Anyway, I hope whoever took it needed it more than my niece did.

Second: I went to the Pequot Museum yesterday. As I was walking back to the parking lot, there was a family, or a group consisting of a man, two women and one child. The man walked ahead so I have no beef with him. It was the other woman who didn't even make way for me, although there was plenty of room on the sidewalk. She brushed against me and I had to step out towards the grass. Of course, I heard them speaking another language, probably Eastern European. Or perhaps French. I don't know. My prejudices come out at times like these. She never even looked back or apologized, kept talking and walking. Moments like these make me want to go hide in a cave.



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