News of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepping down brought back memories of the EDSA Revolution. I still get moved by the thought of soldiers refusing to fire upon their fellow citizens. Nuns, ordinary folk holding flowers. It was a defining moment that set the stage for countless other nearly-bloodless regime changes worldwide. Maybe I'm naive. Or I'm idealizing it. But I say it's the Filipinos' gift to the world. What came next? The Velvet Revolution, Tiananmen Square, the Berlin Wall coming down, the birth of new democracies.

For all his faults, Marcos resigning to prevent bloodshed was the best thing he ever did. For all their faults, the U.S. government making him leave was one of the better things they've ever done.

They're also calling the events in Egypt people power. Good luck to the Egyptian people. May their future be bright.



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