The Universe likes to give us a nudge every once in a while. Today I heard what I needed to hear. Yesterday, I had a great day with my sister, brother-in-law and doggie nephew. I had skimmed through her copy of The Secret while waiting during my bro in law's dental appointment. On the way home last night, I was staying on the left lane. It was late and there were few cars on the road. Then there was an SUV right on my tail for quite a while, even flashing his or her lights at me to get out of the way. The right lane was free for them to change lanes in, and the fact that the driver thought I'd move out of their way just because he/she said so annoyed the heck out of me. So I stayed in my lane at my speed of 70 miles an hour. The tailgater finally got annoyed, moved in front of me, and began driving at 60 mph, stepping on his brakes once in a while. I just stayed right on his tail. How dare they! I can do this all night. Then another driver comes behind me and flashes his light. So now there's 3 of us locked in a battle of wills. Thankfully the new participant decided not to prolong this silliness and drove off. Finally, the driver in front of me had had enough fun and sped away. I was so furious. I caught myself starting to wish he'd get stopped for speeding. There goes my happy thoughts.

I was so disappointed at myself for this behavior. Anyway, today's first reading in church was don't bear hatred towards your brothers or sisters. And what hit home the hardest, don't incur sin because of them. Then the Gospel was Jesus' lesson about loving thy neighbor. Once again, I'd been served.



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