I didn't know about the significance of 11:11 until my co-worker told me about it. She and her sister believe in angels and said whenever you happen to glance at the clock and see 11:11, the Spirit Guardians are trying to get your attention. It could be a series of other numbers as well, with different meanings. It doesn't even have to be clocks. It could be the license plate of the car in front of you, a page number on a book, an address, or other prompts. Since my co-worker told me about it, I had only noticed the time once.

Anyway, I spoke with my sister yesterday. And inevitably, the topic veered towards my father. After any conversation about him, I feel angry and discombobulated the rest of the day. Most of the time, I stay indifferent to him. But once those bad vibes re-surface, I get mad then feel guilty for feeling that way. Most of the time, I just accept my negative feelings and try not to dwell on the guilt. But yesterday, I just couldn't shake it. I went on Facebook and browsed through my yoga teacher's wall. She worships Shiva so of course I saw the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" in one of the message threads. (Although there's no direct translation, it means 'I bow to Shiva'---or to God. And to repeat God's name is to merge with divinity, to experience God.) When we were doing the 1008 Sun Salutations, she'd play a CD with this mantra. In my head, I started chanting. I started to feel better. I had been washing my mug then looked up at the microwave clock. Guess what time it was? 11:11. Thanks to the celestial beings!

Now if only I could permanently change how I view my father.



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