My yoga teacher has been doing 108 Surya Namaskar every Sunday, with a goal of finishing 1008 Sun Salutations by 1-1-11. She comes from Guyana, and is raising money to feed the poor there through her Kishna Foundation. I went to one of the sessions for the first time 2 weeks ago. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to complete the whole class. It took two hours but by golly, I did it. Towards the last 1-2 sets of 27, it was all pure meditation in motion. I was sore for days but felt great otherwise.

I looked up the significance of the number 108. The number 9 has always figured in my life, from my birthday, to addresses and other seemingly random things. Filipinos have always taken a cue from the Chinese, that the number 8 is lucky, but not 9. In my case, I think 9 must be my lucky number.

I'm going to attempt the 108 again tomorrow. I offer my practice to my family and friends, that we will all enjoy happiness, good health, and prosperity.



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