I cook. He won't eat. Or if he does, will eat very little. My sister cooks. He still won't eat. Plus he's never one to eat leftovers. Wants freshly prepared food each time. He told my mother he's too lazy to reheat the food. My sister finally asked him why the non-eating. He said the food's too bland. His solution? Put soy sauce in the food. So this week, I was working crazy hours because my boss is on vacation. I really didn't have time or energy to prepare anything. Plus, knowing that he doesn't eat what I prepare just makes me less inclined to do anything. Especially when he won't eat healthily. Why make a healthy meal if he'll ruin it with salt? So I decided not to leave him any food. He complains to my mother. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I figured he'll order out because he said before he'll just order Chinese food. He didn't. I bought him a sandwich last week; didn't eat it because he already ate oatmeal. I told him once before that he can't subsist on a diet of oatmeal. In one ear, out the other.

Short of force-feeding him or sticking an IV line in him, what the hell am I supposed to do?



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