I went on vacation recently. Since we were in the middle of nowhere most of the time, there was no cellphone signal. It was only when we'd get to our hotel or restaurant that we'd be able to use our phones. It was annoying that me and my travel companions would be sitting at the dinner table and they'd be all bent over texting, surfing the net, sometimes talking, on their cellphones. I did a forced digital cleanse by not going online but still occasionally texting when I HAD to.

Where have our manners gone? One of the women did apologize but she kept on doing it. I prefer the silent, awkward pauses or gaps in conversation than be made to feel that whatever is happening on Facebook or on the internet is more interesting than the person you're with. Aside from no texting while driving, there should be no texting or any cellphone use at the dinner table. I don't remember exactly what my sister Cecile said, but the gist of it was that in a world where we're SO connected through technology, we're actually more disconnected. Especially when you're sitting in front of one other and doing everything but talk to each other.



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