Today was a co-worker's last day. B hasn't been doing her job for the past year or so, and her personal life is the subject of office gossip and intrigue. But it's still sad when someone leaves. We had a going-away card ready for her, but J decided that would be her opportunity to have it out with her. She's off today so she wouldn't be there anyway. I read and re-read what she wrote, and it really just left a bad taste in my mouth. It was all personal attacks, not even related to job duties. It was all stuff we weren't supposed to know anyway. I'm sure it felt good for her to be able to say those things, but on the other hand, it served no purpose to hurt someone instead of just letting them leave on good terms. I wanted to text her today to make sure she wants me to give it. I expressed my reservations to our other co-worker D, who thank goodness eventually agreed with me that we shouldn't let things end this way. That this behavior was so unlike J anyway.

So I dreaded having to tell her that we gave B another card. J texted me first, asking how the day went. I fessed up, that I had meditated on it and thought it wasn't the right card to send her off. She texted back: "I can't believe u gave her another card. I had every right to put what I did on that card after what she put me through. So u gave her a card that I didn't sign?" We haven't had a fight ever, so I didn't know how to respond. Plus I was too chicken.

Thank God D called her to make sure she doesn't hate us. She was mad but said she forgives us. I sent her a message saying that her feelings are valid, that she can sit with it and feel until she doesn't need them anymore.If next week she still wants to send the card, I'll surrender it. J finally replied: Thank u spiritual leader...I forgive u and D. U r right. It isn't worth it!"
I said that she should save her energy and spirit for people who matter. Chances are, we'll never hear from or see B again ever anyway.

I hope J truly forgives us.



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