I had a mini-reunion with college friends this past weekend. We stayed at the home of Noel and Lorraine. When I used to go home to the Phils. for vacation, these two always went out of their way to meet up with me, take me places. Half the time, they would pay for our meal/trip. Mind you, this husband and wife team come from very affluent families. They're not treating us to flaunt their status. You wouldn't know from their demeanor that they're well off. They live simply and put on no airs. Since they moved here to the U.S. 2 years ago, I've seen them 4 times. Each time, they would try to treat me to a meal or pay for admission to any tourist spot we go to. I find it charming that they've kept their values, especially the much-vaunted Filipino hospitality. Of course, I'm not a free loader and pay for myself. Back in the '90s when we all first moved here to America, Noel and I sadly watched how our friends drastically changed their Filipino ways. Perhaps exhilarated by their newfound independence. It's refreshing to be around friends who stay true to themselves.



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