Practice---noun. repetition of an exercise or activity to acquire, learn or perfect a skill and achieve mastery.

The human experience is a complicated one. Man's eternal questions: why are we here? what is the meaning of it all? We've tried to make sense of it all by creating religion and spirituality. Over the years, the seeker in me has come to believe that we are energy. We're here to reconnect with our holy selves, to find our divinity through our humanity. And we do that through spiritual practice, through prayers or rituals that change our mind-sets or ways we respond to events in our lives. Along the way, we meet people who will help, test, hinder, or teach us things about ourselves and human nature.

I am (as are all of us) faced daily with challenges of difficult clients or colleagues at work, squabbling family members and friends, bad traffic on the road, rainy weather, whatever trivial annoyances that get my goat. I'm fully aware that certain people just rub me the wrong way. I know that nobody's perfect. I do not need to be reminded of my grand plan to become a better person, or worse, to be accused of failing in this struggle. I don't claim to be superior to anybody. I know that we can't control or change other people, but we can control how we react to a situation or person. And some days, I just can't get into a proper state of mind that will keep me from getting more steamed.

It's not easy to take the high road. If I choose to be perturbed, then let me stew for a while until I no longer have to. I know who or what my dementors are, but getting rid of them isn't as easy as conjuring your patronus with a magic wand. And yes, it is easier to forgive strangers or acquaintances. Who cares if that teenage driver cut you off? Or a customer was rude to you? Or that housewife took your parking spot? Wounds run deeper when a trusted friend disappoints you, a parent fails you, or some other loved one betrays you.

One of my favorite quotes is to never be afraid of shadows, because it only means there's a light shining somewhere. There will be plenty of missteps in a trip of self-discovery and enlightenment. So if one has to go through the valley to get to the top of the mountain, then that's a journey that must be taken. We wouldn't need to practice if we're automatically fluent in the language of kindness. Or if we're accomplished do-gooders, or naturally openhearted and loving creatures. Humans are supposed to be messy, chaotic, joyous, sad, angry, confused beings. If only spiritual practice was as easy as training to become a classically trained pianist, or million dollar athlete, or a brilliant scientist.

repeated per proficiency.

Nobody said spiritual practice is easy.



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