I read on Facebook that Valentine's Day is S.A.D---Singles Awareness Day. This was amusing, but partly insulting. Being single doesn't necessarily mean you're sad or lonely. I saw Conan O'Brien interview Quentin Tarantino, who said he doesn't want to get married or have kids right now, because everyone says it changes your life. And he loves his life the way it is. That struck a chord with me. But annually, February 14 arrives to remind us that society expects different.

But I digress. What I wanted to rail about was this: Valentine's is a weird pseudo-holiday. And as a singleton, I say this without any bitterness or envy. For many years, women have fought for equal rights, equal pay, the right to vote, etc. But once a year, ladies want flowers, dinner, chocolates, etc. Why can't YOU buy your own darn jewelry? Many intelligent, strong, independent women turn into complaining, whimpering and whining creatures because their man didn't do anything special for them on V-Day. Or what their partners did not meet their demands. And I think THAT is what's sad.



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