I saw my radiation oncologist yesterday: clean MRI scans. Yey! He told me how lucky I am. I didn't need to be told; I thank God everyday. I thanked Dr. I. for curing me. He said thank him in five years. That was a sobering thought. I didn't even think about the common parameter of being considered cured only if you're cancer-free for 5 years. Perhaps that's a good thing. I shouldn't have to worry about it. I'm a tough enough cookie to will my body into cancer-free submission.

But last night, I logged on to Facebook to see status messages from women declaring the color bra they're wearing. Supposedly to raise awareness for breast cancer. This annoyed me (and my sister Lynn) immensely. I'm sure whoever started it meant well---the meme did say to perform a breast self-exam after. But most people had no clue what was going on, posting random colors and thinking it was a game. I was irrationally vexed by this. (Plus there are other types of cancers out there that need attention.) Reading some people's comments incensed me further. Because people seemed to be getting titillated more than anything else. Unless you've been living under a rock, we're aware of diseases. It's just easier to keep smoking, not exercise, eat unhealthy food and keep ruining the environment. I was offended for all the cancer patients I've ever met. Maybe I've lost my sense of humor, but it just seemed that all their trials and tribulations had been trivialized. Social networking could be put to much better use than this.

On top of this, I read a friend's blog post today complaining because his birthday is January 1st. He said he was ONLY getting older without being able to celebrate with family and friends because everyone's off to their own New Year's Day thing. I was offended again, this time for people who are ill who may never see another birthday again. And for those who have passed on. If only people stopped to appreciate what they have instead of what they don't.



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