Everyone in America seems to agree that health care reform is needed. And yet nobody can agree on its implementation. Because of partisanship, powerful lobbyists and special interest groups, I really don't think it will ever happen. Between the crazy hysterical town hall meetings, the Republicans' passive-aggressive behavior during President Obama's speech, to Rep. Joe Wilson's outright heckling, no wonder the country is in such a state. Since the nation's first black president took office, there seems to be a systematic effort to not just discredit him, but to spread fear and rumors. Even a speech about staying in school gets attacked. WTF?

Our elected officials do not know, or may have forgotten, what it's like to not have insurance. Or to have insurance, and still go broke paying for whatever insurance doesn't cover. While they sit in their beautiful offices and hie off to their big suburban houses or plush D.C. apartments after work, their constituents are struggling. Whatever happened to true statesmanship? Everyone in politics seem to have lost their minds. It is shameful, disgusting and appalling.



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