I finally got the chance to go to Boston for their Fireworks Spectacular! It was well worth the trip (and the wait). We got there early to get good parking and to get our wristbands. Once we saved our spot, we'd go for walkabouts in Boston for some sightseeing and meals (and the all-important bathroom trips) Here's a shot of the Storrow Lagoon while waiting in line to get into the Hatch Shell. This was before 9 AM so most of the spectators haven't arrived yet. It was estimated that half a million people were in attendance.
Happy crowd
The Hatch Shell
Boston Pops
John Lewis during the tribute to President Abraham Lincoln

One last look at the stage as we exited

Neil Diamond sang 3 songs, but the song nearest and dearest to Bostonians is the ultimate sing-along song 'Sweet Caroline'. We even did an encore during the commercial break.
Craig Ferguson before the national telecast
Maestro Keith Lockhart



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