I caught part of one of NPR's morning programs today on my way to work. ( I have a very short commute.) Since it's Holocaust Remembrance Day, they were interviewing a survivor and another guy. I didn't catch their names, but the woman was Clara. I did a search tonight and came up with Clara Kramer (Stephen Glantz is the co-author and presumably the other interviewee). Their book is Clara's War. The interviewer mentioned something she said in the book. She wrote:

I am 81 years old, and I am one of the lucky ones. Ever since
the day I left the bunker, I have done my best to live a worthy
life. I have dedicated myself to the teaching of the Holocaust.
The privilege of surviving comes with the responsibility of
sharing the story of those who did not.

I woke up in a bad mood and wasn't particularly looking forward to going to work. ( I blame my Keppra rage.) So just when we think we're having a bad day, hearing stories like hers puts everything into perspective.

I wish us all a worthy life.



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