Happy Chinese New Year!!! East: January 26, 2009-February 13, 2010

My purpose is to alleviate chaos

And perpetuate stability

To hold my ground against

Hardship, danger and adversity

Steadfast and above reproach

I am here to enforce honor and fair play

To set a moral code

By becoming one with nature,

Constantly working toward my goal

To bring about harmony and good fortune.


The year of the Ox is just what’s needed to clean up any mess and clutter left by the Rat. The Ox is not as he appears and should not be underestimated or considered slow or unaware.

The Ox is the quintessential hardworking, conventional cleaner-upper who will put everything back in order and turn chaos back into reason.

There is no room for anyone looking for a free ride during an Ox year. Hard work pays and laziness does not. It’s a plain-and-simple, cut-and-dried, yes-and-no type year. It’s a year to get papers in order and your life back on track, and to do whatever it takes to budget and plan for your financial future, lessening the stress and securing your position. Tradition will be important and keeping order and making sure that everyone plays by the rules a must.

The Ox doesn’t care for sob stories or those looking for a handout. There is nothing less appealing to an Ox than someone wanting his or her way paid for. You must gain respect through your actions if you want to fare well during the year of the Ox.

Click here for the full article.



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