More females go into my profession so most of my working life, I've been around women. Since my company laid off 2 female colleagues in November, I now work with 2 guys and a woman. What a difference! Usually, we helped each other with after-care, got things ready or started each other's patients if we're running behind or just swamped. The men aren't like that at all. Treatment-wise, they leave stuff around, don't offer to help, don't clean up after themselves. We wash our own linen and they don't usually start the washer-dryer or even load/unload the machines. There's a laundry basket about 2 feet from the machine; they'll just throw the dirty towels and pillowcases in there, even if it's overflowing. The women take the time to walk the extra 2 feet to put the soiled linen into the washing machine. And when they eat a meal and use a plate or cup, they'll leave their dirty dishes in the sink, sometimes for days at a time. I want so badly to wash them to get them out of there, but I figured they're not at home and I'm not their mother or wife.

Talk about Mars and Venus! Honestly, I don't know how the males and females of our species have managed to co-exist all these years.



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