
Lake Superior State University releases an annual list of words or phrases that should be banned due to overuse or misuse, or just plain vulgar. I'd like to add a few:

  1. My bad
  2. "There's something going around" everytime someone says they're not feeling well. Apparently, there's ALWAYS something going around.
  3. "Cold enough for you?"
  4. "Working hard or hardly working?"
  5. Govern from the center
  6. Vet, vetting or vetted
  7. Princess, drama queen, strong black woman
  8. For real?
  9. the race card
  10. sucks big time
  11. "I'd hit that/tap that."
  12. "Talk to the hand!"
  13. "you gotta be kiddin' me!"
  14. hope and change
  15. oh snap!
  16. work it/make it work
  17. metrosexual
  18. Fierce!
  19. cougar
  20. multi-tasking



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