Sometime in college, our class started calling each other Tita(aunt) or Tito(uncle) followed by the first name. I don't know how the practice began. Maybe because our male friends called themselves Tsongs (tsong=a shortcut term for uncle) and they called us Tsangs (which I never liked. These names sounded too close to the Filipino word for monkey.). It was a little weird hearing your guy friends call you Auntie, but the habit stuck and over the years the titles became terms of endearment. The title had to be earned.

To this day, we still address each other as Tita or Tito. And we've even taken to calling other friends, even favorite celebrities, actors or actresses by that title. When a certain singer-actor cheated on his girlfriend, he was stripped of his Titohood. (yeah, yeah we don't take these things lightly) I guess it's similar to being disowned by your family. So to all my Titas and Titos, thanks for the friendship, loyalty and good times 20 years later.



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