I had an appointment with my neuro-oncologist this week. He seemed a little friendlier than usual. I had lost 10 pounds since my last appointment in August and everyone was in a tizzy. They all think I'm doing too much (working 30 hours a week) and losing too much weight. I said I've been eating healthier---fruits and veggies, chicken and fish, no soda or sweets, etc. Cracked me up when the nurse practitioner asked "WHY?" You think they'd be advocating a healthy diet. I blame the 'roids that I was on at the time of my last visit. Plus we were enjoying delicious but non-nutritious meals or desserts in the city.
I don't feel horrible. I just get tired and need occasional naps after my workday. They prescribed Provigil. I took half a tablet today and felt giddy, a little jittery but I did have energy for the rest of the day.

I found out that our eldest sister, who just turned forty, has high blood pressure. She wasn't feeling well the past 2 days and called in sick. Yesterday she went to the doctor and he prescribed medication. I told her to eat better and exercise, hopefully get off the meds before she really really needs them or depends on them. She sounded upbeat though, which is good. Getting old doesn't have to mean getting ill.

Congratulations to my sister Lynn! Her tourist visa got renewed woohoo! She was worrying for nothing. See you next year!

My other sister Cecile is still in the west coast visiting her in-laws. Enjoy your visit but hurry home. It feels weird not having you around for this long. She is being sworn in as an American this coming week.



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