Now this pissed me off: former Philippine President Cory Aquino apologized to disgraced former President Joseph Estrada for her role in the 2001 People Power uprising that ousted the boozing and womanizing Estrada. Sure, it unfortunately made his Vice-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo the leader of the land, but only because the Constitution mandated that she was his legal successor. The events since then shouldn't take away the fact that Erap was convicted of plunder. Even though Arroyo eventually pardoned him, it doesn't make him less guilty of greed and corruption during his time in office.

At the time, even I wasn't sure if I agreed with the unconstitutional way that Estrada was removed from office. But just like People Power I, this was a spontaneous protest, an outpouring of public anger and indignation. Even now, Arroyo wants to subvert the Constitution to stay in power. And I don't know what Filipinos can do, other than to keep fighting to let their voices be heard, take to the streets. That's the beauty of a free society. I respect Mrs. Aquino's right to say that she was sorry for helping topple Mr. Estrada. I understand the need for unity and reconciliation. But hindsight is always 20/20. She of all people should know it wasn't right to let a lying/cheating/stealing dishonorable president remain in power, while the rest of the country lived in poverty and squalor. For Mr. Estrada to say now that he feels vindicated is appalling. Nobody should get a free pass. Everyone should be held accountable.

Everyone keeps saying that the Philippines is a young democracy, that we have to find our own way and be allowed to make mistakes. That the country shouldn't be held up to Western standards of democracy. But if we don't aspire to the highest ideals of democracy, then what should we aspire to?



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