I was in Indiana for approximately 21 hours this weekend. It was nice to visit old friends, old places. Because of my surgeries this year, I missed a wedding, a christening so I wasn't going to miss a First Birthday celebration anymore. I left at 6 AM Saturday, had lunch with my friend Liza after she picked me up from the airport, met up with her husband and son then headed to the bday celebration.

We were at the party for about 2 hours, went back to Liza's house where Beni and 3 of our Chicago friends were going to be waiting. We spent the evening eating, laughing, catching up and reminiscing. We stayed up until 330 AM watching a recording of the American Music Awards and the movie Love Actually. I had to be up by 7 AM to be at the airport in time for my 953 AM flight. We had some spare time so Liza's husband gave me a brief tour of downtown Indianapolis just to see what's new or what's changed.

I needed a 2 hour nap when I got back home and had a hard time getting up for work Monday. It was a whirlwind weekend, but worth every minute.
New home of the Indianapolis Colts
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument all decked out for the holidays
State Capitol building
Indianapolis skyline



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