I used to love Auntie Anne's cinnamon sugar pretzels/pretzel sticks. I made it through a mall trip today without buying one :) Haven't had one in months.

I talked to a friend the other day, whom I haven't spoken to since the surgery. I told him how I've changed my eating habits since the surgery. He asked me if they know what caused my particular type of brain tumor, and why do I have to eat more fruits and veggies. For some reason, this annoyed me. I felt like I had to defend the benefits of eating right. I wonder how our society has come to this point, where we question healthier choices.


  1. Cecilia said...

    Defending one's healthy choices is like going green. People question it, "why don't you just buy bottled water, instead of using a water bottle?" Consumerism without conscience has been so deeply ingrained. Terrible! But one must continue doing what's right, despite contrary reactions. Si?  


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