St. Jude is known as the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes.

St. Jude Prayer for Cancer

Dearest protector, St. Jude, my companion, you are the bearer of abiding hope.

I place myself in your care as I bear the cross of cancer. Bless me with your healing power. I trust that you walk with me, giving me courage when I am afraid, strength when I grow weary, hope when it seems all is lost.

Most faithful patron, never leave my side. May our friendship remind me always of the love God offers to each of His faithful children, and the healing He provides to all those who believe in His saving grace. Amen.

Click here to light a vigil light, post a tribute, create a Prayer Circle page. The Solemn Novena to St. Jude for healing will be held at the National Shrine of St. Jude on August 16-24.

Thanks to my sister Cecile for this information!



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