Doesn't the phrase Pet scan make you think about animals doing the scanning? Maybe a shihtzu massage? Well today ended up being a better day. I had my radiation treatment then went to the PET Center. Lilya the nurse put me in a small room, gave me a nice warm blanket and let me watch TV. She checked my blood sugar level and fifteen minutes later, injected me with the glucose radioisotope. I laid down for an hour waiting for it to metabolize. As soon as I was starting to fall asleep, the nurse comes back and brings me to the trailer outside where the humongous machine is.

Brain scan: 15-20 minutes. Then the total body scan: probably 30-45 minutes. I lost track. I can't believe I didn't fall asleep, although George the technician said I was allowed to sleep during the total body one. Meditation really helps me relax and keep still.

Then I waited a few more minutes while the doctor looked at the images. George gave me OJ and cookies. Cindy the nurse practitioner wanted to get more blood work because yesterday's revealed anemia. So I made another brief stop at the Neurological Institute. They were having a meeting at the Brain Tumor Center.

Oh they gave me a letter saying I had the procedure done today. In case I set off any alarms or counters. Nurse said even department store scanners might detect it. Radioactive ME! Of course I made sure I steered clear of small children and visibly pregnant women on my way home.



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