5.25.2008 Sunday

Woke up early to shower. Able to let water run through hair now---no more tabo. Not as freaky. I got up early because I knew it'll be crazy. Finally got some dreams. Weird ones though. Dad kept waking up to stare at me. Made sure I took my meds. He got up and watched TV. Weird how volume was so high, considering everyone was asleep. Like he wanted to wake everyone up.

We were going to 11 AM mass at Sacred Heart because the kids were singing. We ran a little late because I was trying to pay bills. Frustrating remembering passwords, user names. I got locked out. Good to know it's hard to recover information. We went to Empire Szechuan for lunch. I treated in thanksgiving for what everyone's done for me. Good meal and discussion of the kids' show. K. Rene and the board also not happy with the show. We called T. Annie to see if they were up for company. Tomorrow we visit them. So we left Lynn at Cecile's and we went to Wappingers so I could pay bills, get mail, drop off stuff.

Frustrating how I couldn't remember things. Plus my headache was a little worse today. Hard to know what's severe. I still try not to take meds because one thing to watch out for is severe headache. Today wasn't one of my better days. My left side also feels odd sometimes. Like I'm seeing things. I spoke with my neighbor Bea and asked her to pick up my mail and keep an eye on the condo. She said I looked good considering what I've been through.

We got back here and I just took it easy. I fell asleep for a bit. I had a 99.1 temp. Had a good appetite for dinner though. Had some mocha b-day cake after. Finally a small BM! Hope it continues. I worry about bowel obstruction. Almost done with dexamethasone; I wonder how much an effect it had that I took the wrong dose twice the day I came home. Oh well. I hope I'm not as cranky as I feel I am.

Tomorrow we go to 8 AM mass at Regina Laudis Abbey. I do hope it was benign. I hope my family continues to have strength and patience for me. I hope I'll keep up my strength, too. God bless my family and friends! I love them all.



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