5.21.2008 Wednesday

5 AM one of the neurosurg residents came in to say I was moving to a room and that I did very well. It was Chris, who assisted Dr. Bruce Almighty. I asked if they had to put acrylic, he said no they put my own skull back with titanium. I asked if I'll set off alarms and he said I need a lot more titanium for that to happen. He said I lost a lot of blood so my hematocrit is low. I should do fine with iron supplements. I asked if I was sitting during the surgery and he said yes. The tumor was right there when they opened up. He said Dr. Bruce is doing surgery that day and will be in to see me, and I have to come back to see him after a few days to remove the staples. He explained why they had to use both sutures and staples plus titanium. Chris said I'll probably have a stiff neck for a while and just to take it easy. I thanked him profusely.

One of the Asian anesthesiologists dropped by to ask if I wanted stronger pain medications and I said no. He said they're waiting for a room on the regular unit...woohoo! No ICU! Doris said she'll d/c the arterial line and the catheter when she returns from break. Shukki covered while she was eating. BTW, Kira helped me turn to my side during the night and she said I was so cooperative and agreeable. She said she was used to being thrown things at. I just had to do what had to be done. When she was giving report to Doris, she said I had a nice family. I was stable. I got woken up for blood work by an Asian dude; it hurt so I complained. He apologized.

Dr. Bruce stopped in and said it went well, he got the tumor out and they want to send me to a regular room. I heart my surgeon. So kindly and reassuring.

Doris came back to take IV and catheter out. She told me earlier that it's gonna burn and voiding would burn too. She told me to take a deep breath and hold it. We had to try twice it hurt so much. Unsavory! She took arterial line out first. She was going to get me cereal to eat. She ended up giving me a delicious banana nut muffin and OJ. I was afraid to eat, sit up but I made it without throwing up. I was moving my head, lifting my head. I washed up, wondering why my butt was dirty. I was very gassy, perhaps an accident? Doris said no, it's probably betadine. She helped me with my back. Then I just hung out. I learned she lived in Westchester (30 min commute), had 2 kids (21 y.o. female who just graduated, taking a year off then going to law school; and a 6th grader boy.) I had to use the bedpan because the bathroom was too far. I thought I made such a mess but I didn't at all. Hard to use one of them things. Later on I found out T. Efren also complained more about the catheter than the biopsy itself. Most unpleasant. It's amazing how I have no memory at all of a couple of hours of my life.

When her shift ended at 10 AM, I met Gigi, a black nurse who apparently didn't believe in a lot of things like neuro checks every 2 hours and other things about IVs. Doris told her to do whatever she's comfortable with. Thanks and bye Doris! Gigi asked if I needed anything. Someone told her that 127 bed 2 was available. I was moving out!



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