5.16.2008 Friday

Details getting fuzzy already. Woke up early because I couldn't sleep. Got my TV hooked up; of course it wouldn't turn on so I had to ask nurse. Simple problem: NOT PLUGGED INTO WALL! Of course the moment I start watching, I fall asleep. I probably was on the phone most of the morning until A. Des and K. Rene showed up before visiting hours started...woohoo! The kids wanted to come but of course it's a schoolday. They were crying when they found out of course, their mom started the waterworks. K. Rene commented on how calm I was. If it was him, he would have jumped out the window or questioned 'why me'? Interesting thought: I never thought why me? Why not me? What would make me so special that I'd be exempt from a pesky thing as a brain tumor? I told Cecile about the Dalai Lama quoting an Indian sage: If there's a solution, why be anxious? If there's NO solution, what's the point of being anxious also?

I never felt the urge to break down. Before my family came, a nun came in asking if there was anyone in my parish I wanted notified. I'm not a member anywhere. I teared up a little when an African priest came to anoint me. Although I had a hard time understanding his accent. A. Des couldn't stay long because the kids were starting their show that night (5 PM call time). They stayed until I came back from MRI. I got a little nervous about the procedure, if I could stay still for that long. So again, I go into meditation mode. I actually fell asleep despite the noise. It wasn't obtrusive at all. They also did the contrast/clear blue dye which smelled very pleasant. Dr. Azher was going to read it that night.

Ces and Euge were there when I came back. They brought my stuff yey! Poor Zackie in the car. Rick (with Alps chocolates), Lora (with Russell Stover), Dana, Janel and Debbie came from work. Rick brought a pen he stole from Debbie so I ratted him out later. Deb and Janel put together a bag with toiletries, magazines, coloring books, crayons, puzzles and all sorts of activities. There were even toys. Too funny and thoughtful. They stayed til 830 PM, past visiting hours. Good times! Ces said a nurse came by to shush them. Doc didn't come back in to discuss results. Nurse said I was stable and might get sent home. Oh and I got flowers from the Ramoses! So quick.



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