I had a white female former co-worker who had to go to the laundromat to do her laundry. She was always complaining about the non-English-speaking weirdos she encounters there. I thought that was rather harsh because I go to one too for washing bed linens and comforters. People never bothered me.
Until this morning.
Today the automatic door was broken, and there's a sign that says use the other entrance. This middle-aged white guy walks up to the door which of course fails to open. He lets out this barrage of curse words as if that would magically open the door. Thank goodness there were no children around. He wasn't even carrying a load of laundry. He probably just didn't want to walk his overweight self over to the other side of the building.

"Most people are bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling."---Dr. Cox on Scrubs.



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